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- School Vision and Strategic Intent
- Principal's Message
- Child Safety
- School Photos (please note change of date to Tues Mar 11)
- Marist-Sion College Enrolments for Grade 5 and 6 students
- Japanese Learning
- Their Care (our after school care provider) News
- Sacraments
- Complaints Process
- School TV Special Report: 2025 Wellbeing Barometer
- Parents & Friends (P&F)
- Marriage Encounter
- Flyers
- Assemblies
- 2025 Dates
School Vision and Strategic Intent
School Vision and Mission At St Joseph's School the Catholic faith is central to all we do. Therefore, we support the faith journey of each individual member of the community, we build relationships that are mutually respectful, honest and open and we make learning meaningful and engaging. |
Strategic Intent We will see purposeful collaboration and consistent expert practices for all students to learn in a safe environment.
Dear Families
Recently our Gr 5 & 6 students went to Melbourne for a school camp. They travelled there on the Vline train and visited a number of interesting places including the Australian Centre for Moving Images (ACMI) at Federation Square; National Gallery of Victoria (NGV); Ice Skating, Botanical Gardens; ArtVo@Docklands, dinner on Lygon Street and The Melbourne Zoo. The students and teachers had a fantastic time. Thank you especially to the staff who were prepared to participate in this excursion, without you this special event could not have happened. Special thanks to Will Troy, Katie Balfour, Liza Marino and Carmen Farrell.

Young Leaders Day
Our Gr 6 students participated in Young Leaders Day on Monday March 3rd. The students travelled to the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, together with thousands of other Gr 6s in the state. They enjoyed an incredible leadership day listening to different presenters including Emma McKeon (Australia's Most Successful Olympian); Majak Daw (First Sudanese Australian to ever play in the AFL); Catherine Laga'aia (Actress who will play Moana in the upcoming Disney Blockbuster) and Thomas Duncan-Watt (Screenwriter and author). Mr James Simon and Ms Jess Cross both said the day was incredibly worthwhile and that they all learnt so much.

St Joseph's Feast Day
In the coming weeks we will be celebrating St Joseph's Feast Day on Wed Mar 19th. St Joseph is the saint that our school is named after. The P&F are doing a special lunch for this day, you can order on CDFpay (more information in the P&F section of this newsletter).
Joseph, a lowly carpenter, was betrothed to Mary. A ‘just man’ ever ready to carry out God’s will as revealed to him. He beheld the birth of Jesus in a stable. Joseph had the courage to become the father of Jesus, here on earth. Joseph protected Jesus from Herod. He accompanied Mary and Jesus with tender love. He lived his life in the small village of Nazareth in Galilee, where he taught Jesus the value of good, faithful and noble work and service. He is the ‘Patron of the Catholic Church’, the ‘Patron of Workers’, ‘Guardian of the Redeemer’ and Patron Saint of our School. We are encouraged to imitate the example of St Joseph in our lives and into our communities.
St Joseph, pray for us.
Short reflection inspired by Patris Corde, a letter by Pope Francis.
Prayer to St Joseph
Teach us to listen and not be afraid to trust as you did in God’s promise.
Teach us to love courageously with a heart that is free and just.
Teach us to protect one another and all that belongs to God. Teach us to dream a world where all are neighbours, a vision illuminated by God’s light.
Teach us to keep the Word of God close to our hearts, and to proclaim it in word and action.
Teach us to be gentle with our power and strong in our tenderness.
Teach us to be for all persons a living lesson of goodness and truth-a blessing for all generations to come. Amen.
It Takes a Village to raise a Child
A few days ago one of our students was having a hard time getting to school and his family had tried every trick in the book, and then our School Crossing Supervisor, stepped in to save the day. Rosie Sawyer, our supervisor, worked her magic and helped the situation. I feel comforted to know that we each have each other's back and know that we are all certainly in this together. Thanks Rosie, you are a gem!
Working With Children Checks (WWCC)
We warmly invite parents to help at school, if you would like to help in any way then you need to get a WWCC. If you need more information on obtaining a WWCC then please talk to Janelle in the office.
Suggested New School Times
Presently the staff are workshopping a proposed change to our school daily timetable. Staff are wanting to promote the best structure to support student learning and are thinking about behavioural issues on the yard particularly at lunch times. The following bell time structure is proposed to start in term 2:
8.50am music starts 8.55am bell
10.55 bell to start eating time
11am bell to start recess
11.25 music 11.30 bell to finish recess
1.30pm bell to start eating time 1.40 bell to start lunchtime
2.15 music 2.20pm bell to finish lunchtime
3.20 bell to finish school.
The advantage of this structure is that students have two longer learning blocks, followed by a shorter learning block in the afternoon when they are tired. We believe the shorter lunch break will have a positive effect on the behavioural pattern of issues that often happen in the last 10 minutes of lunchtime. School will finish at 3.20pm rather than 3.30pm. We are interested in your thinking about this change. You can let your class teacher know what your thoughts are or you could email me
Athletics Carnival
On Thursday March 20th we will be running an annual Athletics Carnival at the Geoff Watt track in Warragul. In Physical Education lessons in class we will be revising the athletic skills for the track and field events. Taryn will be organising the Athletics Carnival for us and will be asking for volunteers to help run the day soon. It really is a great day for everyone, so look out for further information to come.
A Few Reminders
Icypoles are sold in terms 1 & 4 for $1 each
DOSCEL and St Joseph’s Primary School Trafalgar are committed to complying with the Victorian Child Safe Standards.
Prevention and Response
Preventing and responding to child abuse requires a whole community response to bring about cultural change. The Victorian Child Safe Standards apply to a broad range of organisations that provide services for children, including schools, churches, sporting clubs and youth services. Ensuring we have child safe communities goes to the heart of our faith and core purpose. Therefore, we are dedicated to upholding the values and practices that create safe learning environments for students.
Reporting and Contacts
There are a number of supports available when responding to incidents, disclosures or suspicions of child abuse.
24 Hour Services:
- Victoria Police: 000
- DFFH Child Protection: 131 278
Support Services:
- Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
- Lifeline: 13 11 14
- Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA): (03) 9287 8800
- 1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732
Child Safety Champions
St Joseph’s Primary School has appointed Child Safety Champions. Each Child Safety Champion is available to answer any questions that you may have with respect to our Child Protection and Safety Policy and the Child Protection Program.
Child Safety Champions are selected based on a number of considerations, namely:
- their personal attitudes, experiences and beliefs, for example, a person who is non-judgmental, calm, resilient and demonstrates a high degree of integrity and respect for confidentiality;
- their role within the school, for example, a person who has seniority and experience working with complex student and family issues at the school and someone who is readily accessible and available to all members of the school community; and
- their personal profile within the school, for example, a person who is approachable, who students and staff trust and who is willing and able to respond to issues personally and sensitively.
It is every individual’s responsibility to protect children and make reports regarding their concerns to the appropriate authorities.
If a person requires support in reporting to the authorities, the school’s Child Safety Champions are your first point of contact. They receive special training that allows them to deal with child protection concerns both sensitively and effectively.
Child Safety Champions
Our Child Safe Champions at school are myself, Taryn Maxwell-Garratt and Jamie Pistrin.

School Photos (please note change of date to Tues Mar 11)
School Photographs for 2025
Annual school photos will be taken on Tuesday, 11th March 2025
School Photo Information Flyers with Access Keys have now been sent home with students.
Place your order online now to ensure the special pricing,
PRE-ORDER ONLINE (orders close at 5:00 pm on the day prior)
See the packages available and place your pre-order online.
To place your order, Go to our website or scan the QR code;
Select> School Photo Pack Orders
Enter your Access Key as Provided on the flyer sent home.
Select the pack you want and complete the form.
Sibling photos are available for families with multiple children attending the school.
Sibling photos must be ordered online before 5pm the day prior.
** A complimentary family/sibling photograph is available for families who order an individual pack for 3 for more children at the same school. To be eligible, you must order all the individual packs first and then add the family photograph to the same shopping cart. The discount will be automatically applied. Bonus offer only applies to orders before 5pm the day prior to photo day.
Place your order online before 5pm the day prior, you do not need to return any paperwork.
Lost or replacement Access Keys can be requested,
Select> Student Access Code Request
Students are to be in full school uniform.
If you have any inquiries, please contact us on (03) 5942 5234
Marist-Sion College Enrolments for Grade 5 and 6 students
Please find the latest enrolment updates for Marist-Sion College below:
Year 7, 2027 – Current Grade 5 Students
• Applications are open until Friday 4 July 2025
• Apply via our website
• Applications are prioritised according to the DOSCEL Enrolment Policy
Year 7, 2026 – Current Grade 6 Students
• Applications closed on 30 August 2024, but limited places remain
• Late applications accepted until Friday 4 April 2025
• Apply via our website
• Applications are prioritised according to the DOSCEL Enrolment Policy
Upcoming Enrolment Events
• Talk and Tours – Running until June
o Guided tours with student ambassadors
o Book via our website: Talk and Tours – Marist Sion College.
• Discovery Evening – Wednesday 2 April 2025
o Hear from our Principal, staff, and students about life at Marist-Sion College
o More details will be shared on our website, social media, and the Warragul Gazette
From not knowing Japanese, to knowing Japanese.
What does the path look like from not knowing Japanese to knowing Japanese?
While as a teacher, I have a very good understanding of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed to move from being a novice (not knowing) to being proficient (knowing) a language, I would like students to also be able to track their learning growth in Languages.
As part of the “Teacher Impact Fellowship” that I am doing with the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, I am working with our students to find out what makes sense to them in describing the steps to becoming better in Japanese. Students tell me to ‘keep it simple’, so I have been trialling three baby ring stacks as a way of illustrating both where a student is up to, and what their next steps might be.
Complexity: word, sentence, complex sentence, simple conversation, complex conversation.
Number: 1-3, 4-10, 11-20, 21-50, 50-100+
Independence: repeat, memorise, make it up with help, make it up independently, make it up on the spot.
As a whole class we looked at how many rings a particular work sample might be, and what possible next steps.
This work included a ‘simple conversation’ with 4-10 exchanges, and was made up independently.
The next steps could be either to add complexities such as adjectives, conjunctions, and open questions using where, what, why etc, OR increase the number of exchanges, OR make it up on the spot, without writing it down first.
Students tell me this way of seeing their progress and next steps makes more sense than other ways we have tried.
Please let me know if this also makes sense for you as a parent by emailing the office with your thoughts.
Ja ne (see you around)
Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesday 12th March 5pm St John’s Church Trafalgar 5pm
Parent Information Meeting Thursday 27th March 7pm Marian Room St Joseph’s Warragul
Commitment Mass Saturday 3rd May 6pm St John’s Church Trafalgar
Teaching Mass Thursday 8th May 10am St John’s Church Trafalgar
Parent/Child Workshop Thursday 8th May 4pm or 7pm Marian Room St Joseph’s Warragul
2ndRite Reconciliation (celebrated in school time) Thursday 22nd May 12:30pm St John’s Church Trafalgar
First Holy Communion Mass Saturday 31st May 6pm St John’s Church Trafalgar
Parent Information Meeting Thursday 27th March 4:30 Mary Mackillop Room St Joseph’s Trafalgar
Commitment Mass Saturday 29th March 6pm St John’s Church Trafalgar
Parent/Child Workshop Thursday May 1st 7pm at school
2nd Rite Reconciliation Thursday 1st May (in school time) 12:30pm St John’s Church Trafalgar
Sacrament of Confirmation Saturday 10th May 6pm St John’s Church Trafalgar
The sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated in Grade 3, First Communion in Grade 4 and Confirmation in Grade 5 or 6 (celebrated biannually). If you would like your child to participate in the Sacraments but they are not yet baptised, it is a good idea that they complete their baptism this year. For more information please email Julianne from St John's Parish Trafalgar at
Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL) articulates a clear Complaints Process as part of our Complaints and Grievances Management Policy.
DOSCEL recognises that it is in the best interests of students for there to be a trusting and cooperative relationship between parent(s), guardian(s), carers(s) and school. Complaints are an important way for the school community to provide information and feedback to a school. DOSCEL considers that every complaint provides a valuable opportunity for reflection and learning.
DOSCEL recognises a parent(s), guardian(s), and/or carer(s) right to make a complaint and its responsibility to provide a framework within which efforts can be made to resolve complaints.
It is DOSCEL’s belief that parent(s), guardian(s) and/or carer(s) complaints are best handled at the school level in an environment where individuals feel able to speak up about issues concerning the education of their children.
If you would like to make a complaint, then please visit our website and on the home page go to the 'Our School' tab and you will find the Complaints Form there. Complete the form and hand it in to Janelle Harte in the school office. All complaints will be followed up.
School TV Special Report: 2025 Wellbeing Barometer
Because parenting doesn’t come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that can support you in the challenges relating to modern-day parenting.
This award-winning resource helps build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It can assist in starting conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle.
SPECIAL REPORT: The Wellbeing Barometer - 2025
The Wellbeing Barometer survey is an invaluable tool for schools, providing critical insights into the mental health and wellbeing of young people. This annual survey identifies areas of concern, highlights resilience and adaptability in students, and emphasises the importance of preventative strategies to promote positive outcomes.
Participation in this survey is strongly encouraged, as it offers a comprehensive view of students' experiences, challenges, and achievements. By capturing a detailed understanding of young people's experiences, the survey supports a tailored approach to enhancing their mental, emotional, and social wellbeing. It helps to identify strengths and areas for improvement, as well as pinpoint opportunities for early intervention.
The survey is part of an ongoing longitudinal study, and we encourage you to take a few moments to complete the survey for each of your children. Responses remain anonymous and should be based on your observations over the last 12 months. By working together, we can reduce the long-term impact of mental illness and make a meaningful difference to the lives of our young people for a brighter future.
Here is the link to your Special Report
NAPLAN (National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy) is a series of annual tests conducted in Australian schools to assess students' academic skills in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy. These tests will be administered in week 7 from Wednesday March 12th through to the next week. Gr 3 and Gr 5 students sit the NAPLAN tests. NAPLAN provides an opportunity for your child to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. It is important to remember that while NAPLAN is an important assessment, it is just one measure of your child's progress and should be viewed as part of a broader picture of their education.
Live Your Best Life in Love...
A Marriage Encounter weekend is for you…
Every married couple deserves this very special weekend.
Time-out to nurture your most precious relationship away from daily distractions.
The two of you will come away from your weekend feeling more deeply connected
and with tools to help keep the passion alive.
No group sharing required.
The weekend is based around Catholic values. Couples of all faiths are welcome.
Please check our website for more details and to book your special weekend:
Our next weekend is: 25-27 April 2025 at St Paul's Retreat Centre, Wantirna South.
Starts Friday evening at 7pm and finishes Sunday afternoon around 4:30pm
Information/Bookings: Phone Mercy & James 0409 183 676 or
Email: Website:
We meet every Monday afternoon at 3.15 in the Mary Mac room to have our weekly assembly where we sing our National Anthem and give our Birthday Awards. Additionally, we have two Friday afternoon assemblies a term, where the students present their learning. Friday Assemblies start at 3pm. Please see the table below for the dates for the year.
Friday Assemblies 2025 3pm |
Term 1 |
Mar 14th (wk 7) Gr 4/5 |
Term 2 |
May 16th (wk 4) Leaders Catholic Education Week is wk 5 |
June 27th (wk 10) Gr 3/4 |
Term 3 |
Aug 15th (wk 4) Gr 1/2 |
Sept 12th (wk 8) F/1 |
Term 4 |
Oct 31st (wk 4) Gr 5/6 |
Dec 5th (wk 9) Preps sending off their Gr 6 buddies |
Fri 7 Student free day (Teachers at RE professional day)
Mon 10 Labour Day Public Holiday
Tues 11 School Photos
P&F meeting 8:45am
Wed 12 NAPLAN Writing
Wed 12 Reconciliation SACRAMENT 5pm church
Thurs 13 NAPLAN Reading & Language Conventions
Fri 14 3pm Assembly Gr 4/5 presenting
Tues 18 NAPLAN Numeracy
Wed 19 St Joseph's Feast Day & special lunch
Thurs 20 School Athletics Day Geoff Watt Track Warragul
Fri 21 3pm Lent Prayer Service in church
Mon 24 F/1 and Gr 1/2 excursion to Old Gippstown
Thurs 27 Confirmation Parent Information Session 4.30pm here at school
Eucharist Parent Information Session 7pm Warragul
Sat 29 Confirmation Commitment Mass 6pm
Wed 2 School Advisory Committee Meeting 5pm
Fri 4 Midday Gr 5/6 Easter Presentation in church
Easter Raffle 12.45pm in Mary Mac room
1pm Dismissal last day of term
Mon 21 Easter Monday public holiday
Tues 22 First day of term 2
Fri 25 ANZAC DAY public holiday
Sat 10 Sacrament of CONFIRMATION 6pm church
Fri 16 3pm Assembly Catholic Education Week
Sat 31 Sacrament FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 6pm church
Tues 10 Student free day (teachers professional day)
June 26 School Concert Lowanna 6pm